What is it?
Co-Farming Hub serves as the umbrella company for Canopy Accelerator Co-operative Limited (CACL) thus one of our running projects. CACL is a Wyndham-based social enterprise focused on increasing tree canopy cover in Wyndham and the western suburbs of Melbourne. It establishes community-owned tree nurseries to grow and plant trees through its tree planting teams. As a non-profit, CACL sells seedlings and advanced trees and provides planting services for Tiny Forests and other clients, including councils and private companies. The WynTree Friends Group, operating at the WynTree Nursery in Point Cook Coastal Park, encourages local community participation by offering volunteer opportunities to grow tree seedlings, enhancing the environment for future generations.
- COP26 - Net-Zero Emissions by 2050
- Victoria & Councils - Carbon-Neutral by 2050
- Growing Carbon Offsets Market
- World Economic Forum - 1 trillion trees
- Australia - 1 billion trees by 2030
- Greening the West - lowest % tree canopy cover in Greater Melbourne Area
- Wyndham - from 2.4% to 25% canopy by 2030
- Large land area in the west needing more trees
- Parks Victoria - establishing 2 Regional Parks each in Melton and Werribee
Wyndham has the lowest percentage of tree canopy cover in the Greater Melbourne Area Western suburbs at 5.5% City of Wyndham at 3.6%
Our Approach
The approach includes developing a pilot project in Wyndham, acquiring access to crown land, and using co-operative or social enterprise business models to promote social and economic inclusion, job creation, and financial sustainability.
Tiny Forests
This project aims to establish Tiny Forests which are also promoted and supported by Earthwatch Australia in order to raise Wyndham's canopy cover.
What are Tiny Forests?
- 600 trees planted densely in a tennis-court size plot, maximising benefits per m2 of land
- Planting method encourages accelerated forest development and uses no chemicals or fertilisers
- Low management and maintenance requirements after the first 2 years
- Rich biodiversity, capable of attracting over 500 animal and plant species within the first 3 years
- A nature-rich accessible green space and outdoor classroom for people to reconnect with nature
- Monitoring data gathered by citizen scientists to help understand how Tiny Forests develop, and quantify the climate benefits
- Links to business sustainability, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and environmental, social corporate governance (ESG)
- Tiny Forest can connect people with nature in their local area and support general wellbeing. They offer a place to relax, watch wildlife and an educational resource.
Each forest is expected to engage:
- Up to 100 volunteers on planting and monitoring days
- 4-6 volunteers as a Keeper Team to care for the forest
- The wider community, visitors, and school children as an inspiring place to enjoy nature
Join us!
If you would like to help this project you can join our volunteer grower program. Find out more in the link below: